June 16, 2024 • Style

At least once, you had a chance to see a beautiful home that looks high class, rich and luxurious, yet so spacious and carefree. Scandinavian minimalism has established itself as one of the most dominant modern interior design styles. It has it all. Its characteristics are:

  • An expensive yet casual look
  • Minimalistic touch
  • Effective aesthetic

In a nutshell, you could easily say that Scandinavian design is the most balanced. It is natural to assume that this beauty will transfer to every room in the house and that the living room is not an exception. The Scandinavian living room is always easy to navigate through, and it prefers to stand out as a whole rather than focusing all of its attention on a single piece. Of course, some outstanding individual pieces grab attention, but the thing is that they complement the interior so well, which causes them to blend in perfectly.

We gathered some essential tips that you can use to style your living room like a pro.

Structure Is The Most Important

Before you start decorating your living room, we recommend writing its primary use on a piece of paper first.

  • Do you have guests often?
  • Do you spend most of your time watching Netflix, or do you like to walk more?
  • Do you have a pet or small children?

Answers to these questions will determine a lot of things. You will know how much space you need, where to position your furniture and what is the look of the overall aesthetic that you want to achieve.

Make The Room Spacious

When trying to make your room look bigger, there are a couple of tips to apply. One that should always be on your mind is minimalism. What that means is keeping it simple. You don’t need complicated shapes and lots of different pieces of furniture placed next to each other. When it comes to different decor pieces, interior plants are an ideal solution. That does not mean that you shouldn’t place various accessories of your choice but make sure there are not too many of them.

Another great tip that you can use is to place some mirrors on the wall. Reflecting space and light creates the feeling of a larger space but is also a great and different type of aesthetic to have in your home. Combining this with white walls and a simplistic Scandinavian furniture style will give your interior more room to breathe. Still, it will also bring to life that spacious aesthetic you are trying to achieve.

One final piece of advice to increase that airy feeling is to make sure that you place your furniture further from the walls to make it feel grander.

A minimum should be somewhere around 35 cm of legroom between the walls and your furniture, but you can adjust it as you think looks best.

Achieve Balance

One of the essential styling tips, especially when you want to achieve balance, is adding contrast to your living room. A standard approach is combining black and white, so if you are out of creative ideas, this can be a great alternative that you can never go wrong with. However, you can apply this example in more different ways, like combining smooth and rough surfaces or trying to fit different patterns like geometric and solid ones.

Also, a great way to create harmony in your space can be to put some attractive accessories that will add character to the simplistic nature of the Scandinavian style. Whether you are going for an interior plant, a figurine with an attractive shape, or a small picture, make sure to place them in places where the interior looks dull. Adding more colour, character, and white space may be the best way to avoid that neutral palette that can sometimes appear in Nordic-based homes.

Wall Decoration Secrets

When it comes to decorating your walls, creativity is everything. If you are someone who likes pictures, our honest recommendation is to try making a gallery wall. Indeed that is one of the best ways to express yourself authentically and show your interest through art. You could also try making an accent wall, which means you will decorate the wall itself. Consider creating different patterns with some decorative painting techniques.

Depending on your taste, you can decorate your walls in many different ways. Hanging some mirrors or installing shelves can add an entirely new vibe to your walls, but the best advice we can give you is to express yourself unapologetically. Try to bring your personality forward and show your friends and family what the thing that defines your character is. You can never be wrong when you are yourself.

Table And Wooden Chair Combo

It doesn’t matter whether you want to make this combination your focal point or a part of your living room. It is safe to say that it is a crucial part of every living room’s aesthetic. While a tulip table brings that high-end feeling of prestige and undeniable quality, a wooden chair creates the comfort and security you need whenever you decide to dine or have a good time with your family and friends. As it matters to the additional decoration, we recommend you to put a plant or some accessories that you like. Avoid overdoing it, as Scandinavian style and wishbone dining chairs are all about minimalism.

If you are indecisive about the colour, material or your dining set in general, definitely visit our website and find the one Scandinavian dining table you like the most. Besides different options, you will also find product descriptions, FAQs and pictures in the actual interior. We hope it helps you with your choice!

Let The Light Inside

The amount of sun rays that will shine in your living room depends on the positioning of your windows. Make sure that you place your furniture close to the sources of light. Still, there are some additional tips that you can use to make your whole interior feel and look more bright. The obvious one is to make sure your wall colours are bright. Try using white or yellow colours to increase the overall brightness and take it to the next level. One of the more important things to remember is not to mix your daylight with the lights you have inside, as it can damage eyesight and cause you headaches.